

9.04. 2024

The Uncertain Economic Outlook for the EU

As the EU charts its course through turbulent economic waters, the latest Winter Interim Forecast prepared by the European Commission this February paints a dull picture of the road ahead. Growth projections have […]

23.06. 2023

Alpha Credo’s Economic Review: Clouds above Europe

The Eurozone entered a technical recession throughout the winter, according to data compiled by Eurostat. The contraction of 0,1% in the last quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023 is of course negligible. […]

24.03. 2023

Panel on institutional aspects of effective pension savings held by Dr. Aleš Berk Skok, partner at ALPHA CREDO

On Monday, 21.03.2023, Aleš Berk Skok, partner at Alpha Credo Ltd., held a panel discussing institutional aspects of effective pension savings. The event was organised by Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije and Združenje družb za upravljanje investicijskih […]

25.01. 2023

Tackling Energy Costs and Inflation

Energy costs and inflation have been widely discussed in the business world recently. Both have reached levels that seemed unprecedented a few years ago. Data shows that households and businesses were both impacted by […]

3.10. 2022

The Two Errors in the EU’s Energy Market

The European Union is highly dependent on the influx of energy resources from Russia. Be it petroleum, crude oil or natural gas, Russia is the partner the EU relies the most […]

1.06. 2022

Europe in Turmoil

After more or less successfully overcoming the COVID pandemic, Europe has a war on its doorstep. Governments are rushing to implement sanctions against Russia that aim to put an end to military combat in Ukraine […]

15.02. 2022

ALPHA CREDO: Pregled insolvenčnih postopkov na območju EU


Podatki Eurostata, statističnega urada Evropske unije, kažejo, da je rast števila insolvenčnih postopkov na območju EU iz četrtletja v četrtletje precej nestanovitna. Iz grafa, ki smo ga pripravili, je razvidno, da ponekod četrtletna […]

24.12. 2021

Novoletno voščilo ekipe ALPHA CREDO

Dear Friends,


2021 was a turbulent year, full of  new challenges and impediments to be overtaken.
At ALPHA CREDO we were honored by your trust and the ability to […]
22.11. 2021

Gospodarska napoved 2022: Nasvidenje COVID?

V letu 2022 bodo lahko v gospodarstvu neposredne vplive pandemije COVID (verjetno) postavili na stranski tir. Kar pa žal ne bo veljalo za države tretjega sveta, ki se bodo s COVID-om najverjetneje borile vse do […]

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